
Wedding hairstyles inspired by Greta Garbo

¿Natural o recogido?

Tal día como hoy en 1990 moría la actriz sueca Greta Garbo. Se ha escrito tanto sobre ella, sobre su personalidad, sobre su exquisita sensibilidad, su falta de autoestima y su arraigo a su tierra natal que nos apetecía hacer un homenaje a su belleza, a esa que los fotógrafos tildaban de perfecta por las proporciones de su rostro. Preparando este post, leyendo, buscando fotos sobre ella, nos ha sorprendido el glamour, la sencillez, la elegancia y la personalidad de los peinados. Muchos de ellos, vuelven a estar de moda hoy en día. Ahora que es época de bodas y comuniones dedicamos este post a la gran Greta Garbo para que os inspiren sus peinados. Os adelantamos que pelo suelto y natural se configuran esta temporada como una alternativa a los recogidos.

Natural or bun?

In a day like today in 1990 the Swedish actress Greta Garbo died. Much has been witten about her personality, her exquisite sensitivity, her lack of self esteem, and her loved for her homeland. That’s the reason why we decided to pay tribute to her beauty, that beauty that photographers considered to be perfect due to her face proportion. Preparing this post, while reading and searching for pictures, we have been surprised by her hairstyles’ glamour, naturalness, elegance and personality. Most of them are in fashion nowadays. As the wedding and communion time have begun we dedicate this post to the great Greta Garbo in order to inspire your hairstyles for the forthcoming special events. We anticipate that this season natural hairstyles become an alternative to buns.

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